1. Nutra Offers

  2. What are the advantages of nutra

  3. What are the disadvantages 

  4. Summary

Nutra Offers are offers of products such as: vitamins, minerals, weight loss supplements, energy boosting, sleep enhancement and other health products. In most cases, advertisers pay for a confirmed order. 


Payment models:

COD(CPA) - payment per confirmed order.

CPL - payment per validated lead 

DR - Dynamic Rate, this is ‘Revenue share’, the advertiser pays you from the customer's cheque. 


Approve, what is it and what is it eaten with? 

When working with CPA your ROI will depend on a good approve, but it is important to know that approve is counted differently, so you should always ask the advertiser: is approve from valid or from total?


Valid approve is the approve excluding spam.

Approve from total is the approve from all leads 



          Approve from Valid

      General approve      





Confirmed leads





What type of spam can be?

 90% of spam is repeated orders from the same customers. This spam can be filtered out by a script on the order form. The rest of the spam is when a customer doesn't match the target audience or a customer who says he didn't place an order.


 Examples of spam in the WhoCPA affiliate network:


-duplicate phone

-not valid phone number 


What influences the rate increase ? 

  • The ability to weed out repeat orders, as practice shows: those who weed out repeat orders on their side - they have better traffic. Although repeat orders have no effect on the work of cc, these are just our observations

  • Properly matched age 

  • Bundle made for the age of the target audience 

  • Exclusion of regions that the advertiser recommends to switch off in the targeting.

  • Traffic volume. If you can scale your bundle, then you can negotiate with the advertiser to increase the rate, promising him a certain volume of leads per day. 


So what are the advantages of working with nutra ?

  1. Low entry threshold 

  2. You can make your own bundle from start to finish 

  3. White label 

Low entry threshold

Probably one of the most important metrics to start in arbitrage. Yes, not all geos have cheap leads, but if you start working with Tier 3, namely Mexico, Indonesia, Philippines, then you won't need a big traffic budget. 

But, when using tulsa, you will still need a considerable monthly budget. If you pour links from the affiliate network, then you will not have unnecessary costs.

Also, if you pour offers in white, then you can do without cloaca. In white it is best to pour beauty offers, such as rejuvenation (Vita gold) and hair growth (Minoxidil).

You can make your own bundle from start to finish 


In many verticals you won't be able to do a full funnel to attract leads, but in the nutra you can do everything. You can also use an API.

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate with each other.

Roughly speaking, an API allows you to send customer data from your LPs (landing pages) to an advertiser, which means you can do not only preendings, creos, but also lendings. 

White label 

White label is when an advertiser makes a product with your name and design. This feature is available in WhoCPA for top affiliates who pour large volumes of leads. We can make the entire product completely customised for you!


What are the disadvantages in the nutra?

The main disadvantage in the nutra is the same as in other verticals - you need a lot of infrastructure when scaling traffic. Which means big spends every month on many of the services you need to keep traffic flowing steadily. 



Nutra is great for both newbies and those who are planning to expand their team and looking for new verticals. It's good for newbies as they don't need a lot of money to start and practice learning arbitrage. And for large teams, it's a good opportunity to build their funnels and earn stable ROI.